

Saturday, 29 February 2020

About 16 years ago, I started some rug making, but stopped and what I was making was put up in the attic. Earlier this month, I got it out again. There was a cushion some of my younger girls were doing, which I finished off. The rug I was working on, I've taken up again. Will post a pic of that when it's done and given to the daughter I was originally making it for :-). Also, I had a rug kit my dad started. Sadly he is no longer with us, so hubby has taken that project on :-)

Here is the cushion cover.

This is still in progress. A few more motifs have been added since these photos were taken :-)

Hubby has been busy

Knits form last 12 months

Won't post all stuff knitted from last three years, so here is some of my last 12 months efforts :-)

Feb 2020

2017! The last time I posted on here. That's amazing. Now we are in 2020. How times fly.

I have been busy. I was looking after my little grandson three days a week for nearly three years. Last January he started extra days at his child minder, so I only have him once a week now. this September he starts school!!!! That is unbelievable.

Not a lot has changed with me. I still like my crafts, baking etc. I think the last four years I've mainly knitted for Freddie :-)
I still try to be as economical with my cooking as I can be, and not waste food, though at times I don't do so well. Lately as well, one of my daughter's who lives with us and is a chef, (I have two chef daughters) is embracing a more vegan/vegetarian type diet. As a chef she can't go full vegan/veggie, as she has to taste her cooking, but at home, those are her food choices, veering more towards vegan. I've joined her on this. I will eat meet if we are visiting and meat is served, but where I can have to choice, my food preferences are now more Veggie, as I do eat egg and cheese still. I do try and keep my main meals mainly vegan though. Hubby still eats meat and fish, but he is enjoying a more vegan diet.
Tuesday nights, my daughter does the evening meal, and this last Tuesday she did pulled jackfruit. She wasn't so keen on it, but hubby and I loved it :-)