My hubby has discovered, so he thinks, a new gift. He thinks he can commune with birds by 'tweeting' back at them. After successfully, so he thinks, enticing a bird out of the factory where he works, by chirpping what he thought was bird language, he now thinks he has this understanding between him and our feathered friends :-) Because of this, while walking through Cardiff yesterday, and seeing a man selling bird whistles. I was very kind and forked out a pound, and bought him one to help him communicate with the bird community :-)

Sunday, 8 March 2015
Marching on
Looking back on one of my last last, I see I was talking about going on a diet etc. I have these moments where I feel I need to go on one. The problem is, no diet is necessarily thrifty money wise, and I was getting to the stage where I always end up getting to hen I embark on dieting having to cook separate for me, as the family aren't so keen on diet meals!!! Somehow, I don't find that good housekeeping. Also, as with the diets I go on, Slimming World/Weight Watchers I find I'm at odds with foods they say you can eat plenty of in comparison to what is 'syned' or 'pointed.' I then find I eat foods I wouldn't normally buy or eat, and that's when I find I'm spending more, so, although I need to lose a little extra weight baggage, I'm going to do it, hopefully, through self control and eating sensibly. Taking note of when I feel I need to eat when I probably don't need to, what triggers the desire to eat un-necessarily. I have noted I tend to want to be a 'secret eater' when I'm bored, or feeling lonely. Never because I feel hungry. So. I'm attempting now to eat sensibly, at meals time and not in-between meals.
I made a chicken casserole two nights ago that didn't get all eaten up, so that is now baked in a pie and frozen down ready for a meal next week :-) I also made some cookies. One batch was for my son, who we're staying with this weekend, and a batch for my daughter to nibble on in our absence. I have to be honest, I don 't know why I don't bake cookies more often, they taste so much better than bought biscuits, I also know what's in them as well :-D
I'm just finishing off a knitted baby duffel coat that one of my girls wanted me to make for her to give to friend. Then I'm determined to finish off unfinished projects, of which I have quite a few of!!!!!
I mentioned being at my son't this weekend which we are, in Cardiff. Yesterday was such a lovely spring day. We went to Cardiff Castle. It was a lovely time together :-)This morning we had breakfast in a Toby Inn which was delicious :-) We will be heading off home later, after a board game :-)
I made a chicken casserole two nights ago that didn't get all eaten up, so that is now baked in a pie and frozen down ready for a meal next week :-) I also made some cookies. One batch was for my son, who we're staying with this weekend, and a batch for my daughter to nibble on in our absence. I have to be honest, I don 't know why I don't bake cookies more often, they taste so much better than bought biscuits, I also know what's in them as well :-D
I'm just finishing off a knitted baby duffel coat that one of my girls wanted me to make for her to give to friend. Then I'm determined to finish off unfinished projects, of which I have quite a few of!!!!!
I mentioned being at my son't this weekend which we are, in Cardiff. Yesterday was such a lovely spring day. We went to Cardiff Castle. It was a lovely time together :-)This morning we had breakfast in a Toby Inn which was delicious :-) We will be heading off home later, after a board game :-)
A chilly walk
Last Sunday we went to Coate Water Country Park again. It's definitely one of our favourite places to go to. We took one of our girls and her hubby and had a lovely two hours walking around the lake :-) It was very cold though.
There are some places you can go to again and again and not get fed up of going to as there's always something different to see. Coate Water is one of them :-)
As is the norm. on our days out, there are of course photos :-)
Our table
Our table that was given to us when we got married which had already belonged to another owner before us, was looking very worn after a lot of use in our household :-) So my eldest girl cam e over to ours and 'tarted' it up. We are SO pleased with it :-)
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